

如果你属于以下学生群体之一, 你可能有资格获得学费减免.



马里兰居民被社会保障局(SSI或SSDI)认证为残疾, 大学免除 学分学费 以及某些合格的非学分继续教育课程.



对于60岁及以上的马里兰居民,学院可以免除 学分学费 以及合格的继续教育课程.



马里兰高等教育委员会有免除学费的项目 寄养无人陪伴的流浪青年. A Maryl和 寄养 or Maryl和 无人陪伴的流浪青年 waiver recipient is exempt from paying 学费和强制性费用 如果收件人:

  1. Completes 和 files the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or the Maryl和 State 金融援助 Application (MSFAA) each year. MSFAA只能在3月1日之前提交.
  2. 在他或她达到25岁时或之前入学
  3. 注册全职或兼职的助理, 马里兰州公立高等教育机构的学士学位或职业证书. 为获得职业证书而修的非学分课程也有资格获得学费减免.

要在AACC开始这个过程,学生应该完成 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or 马里兰州财政援助申请MSFAA for the current academic year 和 list AACC as a college you want to receive your FAFSA information. AACC的联邦学校守则是002058. Students should contact the AACC 金融援助 Office to start the application process for the waiver upon receipt of the FAFSA or MSFAA being received. We recommend students check their MyAACC emails regularly 和 confirm your FAFSA or MSFAA is received. You can view your financial aid information 和 gain access to the waiver applications by going to MyAACC > Self-Services > 金融援助.

如果学生符合所有要求的资格标准,就有资格获得豁免. Students are only eligible for the waiver for 10 years after first enrolling as a c和idate for an associate, 马里兰州公立高等教育机构的学士学位或职业证书. 如果你的豁免申请被拒绝, you will be sent an email from the AACC financial aid office along with information about your right to appeal 和 instructions on how to do so.


符合条件的AACPS学生在高中期间上课将不再收费 学杂费. Eligible AACPS affiliated home-schooled students or students attending a partnering private school can take classes at a 25% discount.



Maryl和 residents who are enrolled in a program of study designated by the state as a Health Manpower Shortage Program by the first day of the term may be eligible for in-county tuition rates for courses required for program completion. It is the students’ responsibility to confirm that a program is designated as a Health Manpower Shortage Program before applying for a tuition reduction. 申请这个学费减免计划, students must notify the cashier’s office that they are enrolled in a Health Manpower Shortage Program prior to making their first payment of 学杂费 和 when they add a class. Written appeals of eligibility for tuition reduction received by the accounts receivable manager will be determined within 10 days of receipt. 卫生人力短缺方案可能会发生变化. 符合条件的项目的当前列表可以在 AACC的大学目录. 有关付款的信息,请致电410-777-2236或 cashiersoffice@协会的.edu


The 马里兰梦想法案 allows certain high school graduates who are undocumented immigrants 和 who meet the prescribed requirements the opportunity to qualify for special tuition rates at AACC.



马里兰国民警卫队成员的学生有资格豁免50%的学费 学分课程学费 最全菠菜网院. 要获得豁免资格,马里兰州国民警卫队成员必须提交他们的 州学费减免(STW)信 每学期由他们的单位指挥官在出纳处签名. 剩下的 学杂费 必须在到期日或之前支付吗. Students must be enrolled in regularly scheduled credit courses with sufficient tuition-paying students to warrant the college’s offering the classes. 直接向收银处提问,地址是 cashiersoffice@协会的.edu.


Maryl和 residents who are enrolled by the first day of the term in a program of study designated by the state as a Statewide Program may be eligible for in-county tuition rates for courses required for program completion. It is the students’ responsibility to confirm that a program is designated as a Statewide Program of Study before applying for a tuition reduction. 申请这个学费减免计划, students must notify the cashier’s office that they are enrolled in a Statewide Program of Study prior to making their first payment of 学杂费 和 when they add a class. Written appeals of eligibility for tuition reduction received by the accounts receivable manager will be determined within 10 days of receipt. 全州范围内的项目可能会发生变化. 符合条件的项目的当前列表可以在 AACC的大学目录. 有关特定项目的信息,请致电410-777-2236或与收银处联系 cashiersoffice@协会的.edu


根据马里兰州法规,从10月10日开始. 1, 2019, a parent of a deaf or hard-of-hearing child may take one course that teaches a language or communication mode at AACC 和 is exempt from paying tuition at AACC for that course. 合资格人士必须与 收银员的办公室 在第一个付款到期日之前.


In accordance with Maryl和 law § 16-106c 和 the procedures set by the Maryl和 Higher Education Commission, 最全菠菜网院豁免 学费收费 for Maryl和 residents enrolled in credit 以及某些合格的非学分继续教育课程 who are certified as retired or disabled by the Social Security Administration.

该豁免适用于最多六个学分的学费,旨在促进就业, 包括每学期的生活技能,而无需申报学位或证书课程. The tuition waiver is available for up to 12 credits per term for students who have declared a degree or certificate program that leads to employment.


  1. A resident of Maryl和 who is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits 和 out of the workforce because of a permanent disability as defined by the Social Security Act, 铁路退休法案或者, 在前联邦雇员的案件中, 人事管理厅. Individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits as a dependent or survivor of a disabled beneficiary do not qualify for this waiver.
  2. 按照国家规定, students enrolled in a degree or certificate program who are requesting the Social Security Tuition Waiver must annually file 和 complete the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 不得迟于颁奖年度的3月1日. 包括AACC学校代码002058.
  3. 在上课的第一天之前,学生必须提供电流 福利确认信 from the Social Security Administration (or Railroad Retirement board or former federal employer) to the 收银员s office cashiersoffice@协会的.edu. 福利确认函的有效期为一年内,自信函发出之日起算.
  4. 学费(不包括在社会保障学费减免范围内)和任何剩余费用 学费收费 必须在到期日或之前支付吗. 请致电410-777-2236到收银处付款. 只有付费才能防止学生中途退学. 
  5. 获得助学金和奖学金的学生将首先申请支付学费. The waiver will only be applied if grants 和 scholarships do not cover the full term tuition charge. Student loans or Federal Work Study funds are not a grant or scholarship 和 therefore not considered.
  6. Colleges reserve the right to discontinue the tuition waiver for a student enrolling in a course with less than 10 regularly enrolled students.



Noncredit students may now have the Social Security Waiver applied to certain qualified noncredit continuing education courses (those designed to lead to employment, 包括生活技能).
